Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session 1 - Introduction

    • 1. Course Overview

    • 2. Course Overview - cont'd

    • 3. Before Starting

    • 4. Course Completion Requirements

    • 5. Course Completion Requirements - cont'd

    • 6. Course Content

    • 7. Course Content - cont'd

    • 8. How to Use this Online Program.

    • 9. Glossary A-Z

    • 10. Chapter 1 Summary and Objectives

    • 11. What is First Aid

    • 12. The 3 Priorities of First Aid

    • 13. Duties & Responsibilities of a First Aider

    • 14. Medical Help

    • 15. Age Guidelines

    • 16. Reasons for Taking First Aid

    • 17. First Aid Workplace Responsibilities

    • 18. Signs, Symptoms & History

    • 19. Legalities of First Aid

    • 20. Legalities of First Aid - cont'd

    • 21. Legalities of First Aid - cont'd

    • Quiz 1 - Introduction to First Aid

  • 2

    Session 2. Communicable Diseases / Protection

    • 1. Communicable Diseases - Summary and Objectives

    • 2. Communicable Diseases - cont'd

    • 3. Communicable Diseases - cont'd

    • 4. Safety Precautions

    • 5. Personal Protective Equipment

    • 6. Disease Transmission

    • 7. Glove Removal and Disposal

    • 8. Bio Tips

    • 9. Safety Considerations

    • 10. Treatment

    • 11. Disinfection of Equipment

    • 12. Hepatitis B

    • 13. Hepatitis C

    • 14. HIV & AIDS

    • 15. COVID-19

  • 3

    Session 3. Casualty Management

    • 1. Casualty Management - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Emergency Scene Management

    • 3. Emergency Scene Management - cont'd

    • 4. Emergency Scene Management - cont'd

    • 5. Mechanism of Injury

    • 6. Mechanism of Injury - cont'd

    • 7. Suspected Head or Spinal Injury (Position Found)

    • 8. Primary Survey

    • 9. Rapid Body Check

    • 10. Primary Survey and Rapid Body Check - Responsive Casualty

    • 11. Primary Survey and Rapid Body Check - Unresponsive Casualty

    • 12. Secondary Survey

    • 13. Secondary Survey - cont'd

    • 14. Secondary Survey - cont'd

    • 15. Secondary Survey - Vital Signs

    • 16. Emergency Scene Management - RESPONSIVE

    • 17. AVPU

    • 18. Level of Consciousness

    • 19. Vital Signs - LOC & Breathing Rate

    • 20. Vital Signs - Pulse Rate & Skin Condition

    • 22. Vital Signs - Skin Condition

    • 23. Head-to-Toe Body Check

    • 24. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty

    • 25. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty - cont'd

    • 26. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty - cont'd

    • 27. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty - cont'd

    • 28. Video - Emergency Scene Management - UNRESPONSIVE

    • 29. Fainting

    • 30. Fainting - cont'd

    • 31. Video - FAINTING

    • 32. Impending Faint

    • 33. Suspected Spinal Injury

    • 34. Spinal Injury - Causes

    • 34. Suspected Spinal Injury - Treatment

    • 35. Suspected Spinal Injury - Treatment cont'd

    • 36. Spinal - Roll Front to Back

    • 37. Shock

    • 37. Shock - Causes & Effects

    • 38. Shock - Signs, Symptoms

    • 39. Shock - The Shock Cycle

    • 40. Shock - Treatment

    • 41. Shock - Treatment - cont'd

    • 42. Positioning a Casualty in Shock

    • 43. Positioning a Casualty in Shock - cont'd

    • 45. Casualty Management Quiz

  • 4

    Session 4. Cardiopulmonary Resusciataion

    • 1. Session 4 - CPR - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - cont'd

    • 3. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - cont'd

    • 4. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - cont'd

    • 5. CPR Facts

    • 6. Anatomy of the Chest

    • 7. The Respiratory System

    • 8. The Circulatory System

    • 9. The Adult Chain of Survival and EMS

    • 10. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

    • 11. The 911 Dispatcher

    • 12. The 911 Dispatcher - cont'd

    • 13. Cardiovascular Disease

    • 14. Risk Factors that May Contribute to a Heart Attack

    • 15. Risk Factors that May Contribute to a Heart Attack - cont'd

    • 16. Risk Factors that May Contribute to a Heart Attack - cont'd

    • 17. Heart Attack/Angina

    • 18. Heart Attack/Angina - cont'd

    • 19. Video - Signs of a Heart Attack

    • 20. Heart Attack/Angina - cont'd

    • 20 B. Assisting With Medications

    • 20 C Nitro

    • 20 D ASA

    • 21. Heart Attack/Angina- cont'd

    • 22. Cardiac Arrest

    • 23. Video - Adult CPR

    • 24. Steps of CPR - Adult..... (ASA & Nitro)

    • 25. Detailed Steps of CPR

    • 26. Compression Specifications

    • 27. Ventilations (Breathing)

    • 28. Ventlations (Breaths) cont'd

    • 29. Continue CPR Until

    • 30. Stroke

    • 31. Stroke - cont'd

    • 32. Stroke - cont'd

    • 33. Stroke - cont'd

    • 34. Compression Only CPR

    • 35. Compression Only CPR - cont'd

    • 36. Video - Child CPR

    • 37. Children and Infant CPR

    • 38. Video - Infant CPR

    • 39. Infant CPR Steps

    • 40. Special Considerations - cont'd

    • 41. Special Considerations - cont'd

    • 42. Opioid Overdose Considerations

    • 43. Quiz # CPR

  • 5

    Session 5. Defibrillation

    • 1. Session 5 - Defibrillation - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Public Access Defibrillation - cont'd

    • 3. Video - AED

    • 4. Public Access Defibrillation - cont'd

    • 5. Heart Rhythms

    • 6. Heart Rhythms - cont'd

    • 7. Heart Rhythms - cont'd

    • 8. AED Protocols

    • 9. Pad Placement

    • 10. AED Protocols - cont'd

    • 11. AED Protocols - cont'd

    • 12. Special Considerations

    • 13. Special Considerations - cont'd

    • 14. Maintenance Considerations

    • 15. AED Quiz

  • 6

    Session 6. Choking

    • 1. Session 6 - Airway Obstruction/Choking - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Airway Obstruction/Choking - cont'd

    • 3. Airway Obstruction/Choking - cont'd

    • 4. Causes of Choking

    • 5. Prevention of Choking

    • 6. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Adult

    • 7. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Adult cont'd

    • 8. Video Choking Adult

    • 9. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Adult

    • 10. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Adult cont'd

    • 11. Finger Sweep

    • 12. Video - Recovery Position

    • 13. Recovery Position

    • 14. Recovery Position - cont'd

    • 15. Choking - Save Yourself

    • 16. Choking - Wheelchair Considerations

    • 18. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Child

    • 19. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Child cont'd

    • 20. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Child

    • 21. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Child cont'd

    • 22. Video - Infant Choking

    • 23. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Infant

    • 24. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Infant

    • 25. Exam - Airway Obstructions

  • 7

    Session 7. Wounds & Bleeding

    • Session 7 - Wounds and Bleeding- Summary & Objectives

    • 1. Wounds and Bleeding

    • 2. Wounds and Bleeding - limiting blood loss

    • 3. Video - Wounds and Bleeding

    • 4. Dressings and Bandages - Defined

    • 5. Dressings and Bandages - Types of Dressings

    • 6. Dressings and Bandages - Guidelines to apply

    • 7. Dressings and Bandages - Types of bandages

    • 8. Dressings and Bandages - Uses for bandages

    • 9. Dressings and Bandages - Guidelines to bandaging

    • 10. Wounds - Types of wounds

    • 11. Wounds - Classification of Wounds

    • 12. Wounds - Classification of Wounds cont'd

    • 13. Bleeding - Definition

    • 14. Bleeding - Arteries/Veins/Capillaries

    • 15. Bleeding - Minor treatment

    • 16. Bleeding - Treatment

    • 17. Check Distal Circulation

    • 18. Tourniquets

    • 19. Tourniquets - cont'd

    • 20. Hemostatic Dressings

    • 21. Open Chest Wounds

    • 22. Bump on the Head

    • 23. Ear Injuries

    • 24. Ear Injury - Treatment

    • 25. Embedded Objects

    • 26. Embedded Objects - cont'd

    • 27. Amputation

    • 28. Amputation cont'd

    • 29. Amputation cont'd

    • 30. Mouth Injuries

    • 31. Mouth Injuries cont'd

    • 32. Nose Bleeds

    • 33. Animal and Human Bites

    • 34. Bee Stings

    • 35. Snake Bites

    • 36. Leeches

    • 37. Jellyfish

    • 38. Ticks

    • 39. Bleeding Internal

    • 40. Abdominal Injury

    • 41. Quiz - Bleeding and Wounds

  • 8

    Session 8. Burns

    • Session 8 - Burns - Summary & Objectives

    • 1. Types of Burns

    • 2. Classification By Type

    • 3. Burn - Treatment

    • 4. Seriousness of a Burn

    • 5. Extent of Burns

    • 6. Treatment - 1

    • 7. Video - BURNS

    • 8. Quiz - Burns

  • 9

    Session 9. Medical Conditions

    • Session 9 - Medical Conditions - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Diabetic Emergency

    • 3. Diabetes - 2 cont'd

    • 4. Diabetes 3 cont'd

    • 5. Video - Epilepsy

    • 6. Epileptic Seizures

    • 7. Epileptic Seizures - 2 cont'd

    • 8. Epileptic Seizures - 3 cont'd

    • 9. Epileptic Seizures - 4 Treatment

    • 10. Febrile Seizures - Infants & Children

    • 11. Febrile Seizures - Infants & Children - 2 cont'd Treatment

    • 12. Asthma

    • 13. Asthma - 2 cont'd

    • 14. Asthma - 3 cont'd

    • 15. Allergic Reactions

    • 16. Allergic Reactions -2 cont'd

    • 17. Allergic Reactions -3 cont'd

    • 18. Exam - Medical Conditions

  • 10

    Session 10. Environmental Injuries

    • Session 10 - Environmental Injuries - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Environmental Emergencies

    • 3. Hyperthermia

    • 4. Heat Rash

    • 5. Heat Cramps

    • 6. Heat Exhaustion

    • 7. Heat Exhaustion Treatment

    • 8. Heat Stroke

    • 9. Heat Stroke Treatment

    • 10. Hypothermia

    • 11. Video - Hypothermia

    • 12. Hypothermia Classifications

    • 13. Who Is At Risk for Hypothermia?

    • 14. How do we lose heat?

    • 15. Hypothermia - Treatment

    • 16. Core Temperature - After Drop

    • 17. Quiz - Heat and Cold Emergencies

  • 11

    Session 11. Eye Injuries

    • Chapter 11 - Eye Injuries - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Eye Injuries

    • 3. Anatomy of the Eye

    • 4. Eye Injuries - Signs and Symptoms

    • 5. Eye Injuries - Loose Objects

    • 6. Eye Injuries - Embedded Objects

    • 7. Eye Injuries - Chemicals in the Eye

    • 8. Eye Injuries - Flash Burns

    • 9. Eye Injuries - Cuts, Bruises Around Eye

    • 10. Eye Injuries - Extruded Eye

    • 11. Exam - Eye Injury

  • 12

    Session 12. Poisons

    • Chapter 12 - Poisoning - Summary and Objectives

    • 2. Poisoning

    • 3. Poison Information Centre

    • 4. Video - Poison Ingested

    • 5. Poisons - Routs of Entry

    • 6. Video - Poison Inhaled

    • 7. Poisons - History

    • 8. Poisons - Signs Ingested/Inhaled

    • 9. Poisons - Signs Aborbed/Injected

    • 10. Poisoning - General Treatment

    • 11. Poisoning - Treatment - Ingestion/Inhaled/Absorbed/Injected

    • 12. Poisoning - Alcohol & Drugs

    • 13. Drugs

    • 14. Poisoning - Alcohol Signs & Symptoms

    • 15. Poisoning - Alcohol - Emergency Treatment

    • 16. Exam - Poisoning

  • 13

    Session 13. Bone & Joint Injuries

    • Chapter 13 - Bone and Joint Injury - Summary and Objectives

    • 2. Bone & Joint Injury

    • 3. Bone & Joint Injury - Sprain

    • 4. Bone & Joint Injury - Strain

    • 5. Bone & Joint Injury - Sprains & Strains - Treatment

    • 6. Bone & Joint Injury - Dislocation

    • 7. Bone & Joint Injury - Use of Ice

    • 8. Bone & Joint Injury - Repetitive Strain Injury

    • 9. Bone & Joint Injuries - Repetitive Strain Injuries cont'd

    • 10. Bone & Joint Injury - Fractures

    • 11. Bone & Joint Injury - Types of Fractures

    • 12. Bone & Joint Injury - Fracture - Mechanism of injury

    • 13. Bone & Joint Injury - Signs of Fracture

    • 14. Bone & Joint Injury - Fracture - Treatment

    • 15. Bone & Joint Injury - Types of Splints

    • 16. Bone & Joint Injuries - Splinting

    • 17. Bone & Joint Injury - Fracture Lower Arm

    • 18. Bone & Joint Injury - Concussion

    • 19. Bone & Joint Injuries - Crushing Injury

    • Quiz # Fracture Management

  • 14

    Session 14. Chest Injuries

    • Session 14 - Chest Injuries - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Chest Injury

    • 3. Chest Injury - Mechanism of Injury

    • 4. Chest Injury - Fractured Ribs & Flail Chest

    • 5. Chest Injury - Flail Chest

    • 6. Chest Injury - Flail Chest Treatment

    • 7. Chest Injury - Pneumothorax

    • 8. Chest Injury - Penetrating Chest Wound

    • 9. Chest Injury - Blast Injury

    • 10. Chest Injury - Blast Injuries

    • 11. Chest Injury - Blast Injuries - Treatment

  • 15

    Session 15. Rescue Carries

    • Session 15 - Rescue Carries - Summary & Objectives

    • 2. Rescue Carries

    • 3. Rescue Carries - Safety Considerations

  • 16

    16. Skills to be completed with Instructor

    • 16. First Aid and CPR Skills to be completed

  • 17

    Completion of Online Course

    • 18. Completion Requirements

    • View and Download Your Certificate