Standard First Aid - Level C CPR + AED Course
Perri-Med online Standard First Aid, CPR and AED course. Our online training reduces the time employees are away from work. This lowers your training costs, and candidates learn at their own pace.
1. Course Overview
2. Course Overview - cont'd
3. Before Starting
4. Course Completion Requirements
5. Course Completion Requirements - cont'd
6. Course Content
7. Course Content - cont'd
8. How to Use this Online Program.
9. Glossary A-Z
10. Chapter 1 Summary and Objectives
11. What is First Aid
12. The 3 Priorities of First Aid
13. Duties & Responsibilities of a First Aider
14. Medical Help
15. Age Guidelines
16. Reasons for Taking First Aid
17. First Aid Workplace Responsibilities
18. Signs, Symptoms & History
19. Legalities of First Aid
20. Legalities of First Aid - cont'd
21. Legalities of First Aid - cont'd
Quiz 1 - Introduction to First Aid
1. Communicable Diseases - Summary and Objectives
2. Communicable Diseases - cont'd
3. Communicable Diseases - cont'd
4. Safety Precautions
5. Personal Protective Equipment
6. Disease Transmission
7. Glove Removal and Disposal
8. Bio Tips
9. Safety Considerations
10. Treatment
11. Disinfection of Equipment
12. Hepatitis B
13. Hepatitis C
14. HIV & AIDS
15. COVID-19
1. Casualty Management - Summary & Objectives
2. Emergency Scene Management
3. Emergency Scene Management - cont'd
4. Emergency Scene Management - cont'd
5. Mechanism of Injury
6. Mechanism of Injury - cont'd
7. Suspected Head or Spinal Injury (Position Found)
8. Primary Survey
9. Rapid Body Check
10. Primary Survey and Rapid Body Check - Responsive Casualty
11. Primary Survey and Rapid Body Check - Unresponsive Casualty
12. Secondary Survey
13. Secondary Survey - cont'd
14. Secondary Survey - cont'd
15. Secondary Survey - Vital Signs
16. Emergency Scene Management - RESPONSIVE
17. AVPU
18. Level of Consciousness
19. Vital Signs - LOC & Breathing Rate
20. Vital Signs - Pulse Rate & Skin Condition
22. Vital Signs - Skin Condition
23. Head-to-Toe Body Check
24. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty
25. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty - cont'd
26. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty - cont'd
27. Treating the Unresponsive Casualty - cont'd
28. Video - Emergency Scene Management - UNRESPONSIVE
29. Fainting
30. Fainting - cont'd
31. Video - FAINTING
32. Impending Faint
33. Suspected Spinal Injury
34. Spinal Injury - Causes
34. Suspected Spinal Injury - Treatment
35. Suspected Spinal Injury - Treatment cont'd
36. Spinal - Roll Front to Back
37. Shock
37. Shock - Causes & Effects
38. Shock - Signs, Symptoms
39. Shock - The Shock Cycle
40. Shock - Treatment
41. Shock - Treatment - cont'd
42. Positioning a Casualty in Shock
43. Positioning a Casualty in Shock - cont'd
45. Casualty Management Quiz
1. Session 4 - CPR - Summary & Objectives
2. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - cont'd
3. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - cont'd
4. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - cont'd
5. CPR Facts
6. Anatomy of the Chest
7. The Respiratory System
8. The Circulatory System
9. The Adult Chain of Survival and EMS
10. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
11. The 911 Dispatcher
12. The 911 Dispatcher - cont'd
13. Cardiovascular Disease
14. Risk Factors that May Contribute to a Heart Attack
15. Risk Factors that May Contribute to a Heart Attack - cont'd
16. Risk Factors that May Contribute to a Heart Attack - cont'd
17. Heart Attack/Angina
18. Heart Attack/Angina - cont'd
19. Video - Signs of a Heart Attack
20. Heart Attack/Angina - cont'd
20 B. Assisting With Medications
20 C Nitro
20 D ASA
21. Heart Attack/Angina- cont'd
22. Cardiac Arrest
23. Video - Adult CPR
24. Steps of CPR - Adult..... (ASA & Nitro)
25. Detailed Steps of CPR
26. Compression Specifications
27. Ventilations (Breathing)
28. Ventlations (Breaths) cont'd
29. Continue CPR Until
30. Stroke
31. Stroke - cont'd
32. Stroke - cont'd
33. Stroke - cont'd
34. Compression Only CPR
35. Compression Only CPR - cont'd
36. Video - Child CPR
37. Children and Infant CPR
38. Video - Infant CPR
39. Infant CPR Steps
40. Special Considerations - cont'd
41. Special Considerations - cont'd
42. Opioid Overdose Considerations
43. Quiz # CPR
1. Session 5 - Defibrillation - Summary & Objectives
2. Public Access Defibrillation - cont'd
3. Video - AED
4. Public Access Defibrillation - cont'd
5. Heart Rhythms
6. Heart Rhythms - cont'd
7. Heart Rhythms - cont'd
8. AED Protocols
9. Pad Placement
10. AED Protocols - cont'd
11. AED Protocols - cont'd
12. Special Considerations
13. Special Considerations - cont'd
14. Maintenance Considerations
15. AED Quiz
1. Session 6 - Airway Obstruction/Choking - Summary & Objectives
2. Airway Obstruction/Choking - cont'd
3. Airway Obstruction/Choking - cont'd
4. Causes of Choking
5. Prevention of Choking
6. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Adult
7. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Adult cont'd
8. Video Choking Adult
9. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Adult
10. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Adult cont'd
11. Finger Sweep
12. Video - Recovery Position
13. Recovery Position
14. Recovery Position - cont'd
15. Choking - Save Yourself
16. Choking - Wheelchair Considerations
18. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Child
19. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Child cont'd
20. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Child
21. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Child cont'd
22. Video - Infant Choking
23. Responsive Airway Obstruction - Infant
24. Unresponsive Airway Obstruction - Infant
25. Exam - Airway Obstructions
Session 7 - Wounds and Bleeding- Summary & Objectives
1. Wounds and Bleeding
2. Wounds and Bleeding - limiting blood loss
3. Video - Wounds and Bleeding
4. Dressings and Bandages - Defined
5. Dressings and Bandages - Types of Dressings
6. Dressings and Bandages - Guidelines to apply
7. Dressings and Bandages - Types of bandages
8. Dressings and Bandages - Uses for bandages
9. Dressings and Bandages - Guidelines to bandaging
10. Wounds - Types of wounds
11. Wounds - Classification of Wounds
12. Wounds - Classification of Wounds cont'd
13. Bleeding - Definition
14. Bleeding - Arteries/Veins/Capillaries
15. Bleeding - Minor treatment
16. Bleeding - Treatment
17. Check Distal Circulation
18. Tourniquets
19. Tourniquets - cont'd
20. Hemostatic Dressings
21. Open Chest Wounds
22. Bump on the Head
23. Ear Injuries
24. Ear Injury - Treatment
25. Embedded Objects
26. Embedded Objects - cont'd
27. Amputation
28. Amputation cont'd
29. Amputation cont'd
30. Mouth Injuries
31. Mouth Injuries cont'd
32. Nose Bleeds
33. Animal and Human Bites
34. Bee Stings
35. Snake Bites
36. Leeches
37. Jellyfish
38. Ticks
39. Bleeding Internal
40. Abdominal Injury
41. Quiz - Bleeding and Wounds
Session 8 - Burns - Summary & Objectives
1. Types of Burns
2. Classification By Type
3. Burn - Treatment
4. Seriousness of a Burn
5. Extent of Burns
6. Treatment - 1
7. Video - BURNS
8. Quiz - Burns
Session 9 - Medical Conditions - Summary & Objectives
2. Diabetic Emergency
3. Diabetes - 2 cont'd
4. Diabetes 3 cont'd
5. Video - Epilepsy
6. Epileptic Seizures
7. Epileptic Seizures - 2 cont'd
8. Epileptic Seizures - 3 cont'd
9. Epileptic Seizures - 4 Treatment
10. Febrile Seizures - Infants & Children
11. Febrile Seizures - Infants & Children - 2 cont'd Treatment
12. Asthma
13. Asthma - 2 cont'd
14. Asthma - 3 cont'd
15. Allergic Reactions
16. Allergic Reactions -2 cont'd
17. Allergic Reactions -3 cont'd
18. Exam - Medical Conditions
Session 10 - Environmental Injuries - Summary & Objectives
2. Environmental Emergencies
3. Hyperthermia
4. Heat Rash
5. Heat Cramps
6. Heat Exhaustion
7. Heat Exhaustion Treatment
8. Heat Stroke
9. Heat Stroke Treatment
10. Hypothermia
11. Video - Hypothermia
12. Hypothermia Classifications
13. Who Is At Risk for Hypothermia?
14. How do we lose heat?
15. Hypothermia - Treatment
16. Core Temperature - After Drop
17. Quiz - Heat and Cold Emergencies
Chapter 11 - Eye Injuries - Summary & Objectives
FREE PREVIEW2. Eye Injuries
3. Anatomy of the Eye
4. Eye Injuries - Signs and Symptoms
5. Eye Injuries - Loose Objects
6. Eye Injuries - Embedded Objects
7. Eye Injuries - Chemicals in the Eye
8. Eye Injuries - Flash Burns
9. Eye Injuries - Cuts, Bruises Around Eye
10. Eye Injuries - Extruded Eye
11. Exam - Eye Injury
Chapter 12 - Poisoning - Summary and Objectives
2. Poisoning
3. Poison Information Centre
4. Video - Poison Ingested
5. Poisons - Routs of Entry
6. Video - Poison Inhaled
7. Poisons - History
8. Poisons - Signs Ingested/Inhaled
9. Poisons - Signs Aborbed/Injected
10. Poisoning - General Treatment
11. Poisoning - Treatment - Ingestion/Inhaled/Absorbed/Injected
12. Poisoning - Alcohol & Drugs
13. Drugs
14. Poisoning - Alcohol Signs & Symptoms
15. Poisoning - Alcohol - Emergency Treatment
16. Exam - Poisoning
Chapter 13 - Bone and Joint Injury - Summary and Objectives
2. Bone & Joint Injury
3. Bone & Joint Injury - Sprain
4. Bone & Joint Injury - Strain
5. Bone & Joint Injury - Sprains & Strains - Treatment
6. Bone & Joint Injury - Dislocation
7. Bone & Joint Injury - Use of Ice
8. Bone & Joint Injury - Repetitive Strain Injury
9. Bone & Joint Injuries - Repetitive Strain Injuries cont'd
10. Bone & Joint Injury - Fractures
11. Bone & Joint Injury - Types of Fractures
12. Bone & Joint Injury - Fracture - Mechanism of injury
13. Bone & Joint Injury - Signs of Fracture
14. Bone & Joint Injury - Fracture - Treatment
15. Bone & Joint Injury - Types of Splints
16. Bone & Joint Injuries - Splinting
17. Bone & Joint Injury - Fracture Lower Arm
18. Bone & Joint Injury - Concussion
19. Bone & Joint Injuries - Crushing Injury
Quiz # Fracture Management
Session 14 - Chest Injuries - Summary & Objectives
2. Chest Injury
3. Chest Injury - Mechanism of Injury
4. Chest Injury - Fractured Ribs & Flail Chest
5. Chest Injury - Flail Chest
6. Chest Injury - Flail Chest Treatment
7. Chest Injury - Pneumothorax
8. Chest Injury - Penetrating Chest Wound
9. Chest Injury - Blast Injury
10. Chest Injury - Blast Injuries
11. Chest Injury - Blast Injuries - Treatment
Session 15 - Rescue Carries - Summary & Objectives
2. Rescue Carries
3. Rescue Carries - Safety Considerations
16. First Aid and CPR Skills to be completed
18. Completion Requirements
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